Danielle Robles
Danielle Robles

Pleasure to me can be found in the little, often overlooked, moments. Catching a candy-colored sunset from a destination thousands of miles from home, waking up to the sound of the waves at your doorstep, or (my personal favorite) the feeling when you dip your toes into the ocean for the first time in a long time. Perhaps because I am a water sign, I've always been drawn to the ocean. This element is what leads me on most of my travels. The medicinal magic that washes over my entire body as I emerge myself in the deep blue sea. It's a feeling I will never get over.

Claire Oscur
Claire Oscur

Para mi el Placer es vida, es Ser. 

Es lo simple, lo efímero, lo disponible. 

Cuando puedo contemplar el silencio 

Ese espacio tan sagrado ( en mi) 

En dónde el tiempo ya no tiene prisa

En dónde la magia emerge 

Y todo se vuelve sutil 

Permitiéndome percibir 

La belleza pura y verdadera de la existencia misma.

Gozar es un acto revolucionario 

Es parar, contemplar y abrirse a que suceda.

JM Zapata Avenido
JM Zapata Avenido

Having been raised in an age where everybody’s vying for self-determination, I noticed that most of us have become the people who imagined towers, so high that we do not even realize how to build them. Then I begin to understand that being mindful of the basal things in life — whether be it pleasure of being able to touch ourselves, or pain because of defeat and non-fulfillment ; as long as we know that we are growing — will teach us how to build the lofty spires we once aspired for. I think these small things are what inspired me for this series’ theme.

AJ Adriance
AJ Adriance

The images I submitted were of things/activities that give me or others pleasure. I was also interested in how a photographs color palette could convey pleasure.

Hanna Pavlova
Hanna Pavlova

Barbara Balcells Matas
Barbara Balcells Matas

For me, pleasure means means being with my loved ones, enjoying the little things and have time enough to take pictures of all of this.

Eva Abeling
Eva Abeling
Ilaria Conte.jpg
Esteban Abdala
Esteban Abdala

Pleasure is so abstract and private that anything could become pleasure.

Anjelica Jardiel
Anjelica Jardiel

Angelica Jacinto
Angelica Jacinto

When I hear the word "pleasure" I immediately associate it with "sex", so I wanted to go in a completely different direction because pleasure can describe anything that feels good to us, even simple things like arcades, cigarettes and dessert. 

Abigail Ekue
Abigail Ekue

Pleasure is freedom. It's glee. A tickle or a heavy-handed touch. Physical release from food or sex. Finally realizing a dream.

David Lawrence Byrd
David Lawrence Byrd

These particular photographs were selected based on personal projects with friends who have a particular desire and or kink. It’s what they find pleasurable. 

J. Queirolo
J. Queirolo
Alexandra Cuerdo
Alexandra Cuerdo

Butts backstage. This image is in celebration of pleasure, at one of my happy places in NY: the queer radical Asian dance party Bubble_t. Endless gratitude and love to my chosen family <3

Ilaria Felici
Ilaria Felici

Each character of my photos is part of my life; I try to capture a moment in which my past and present coincide:

my roots and the "randomness" of the moment take place in the shoot.

Coming from the world of fashion, on the one hand I am influenced by beauty cannon, on the other, I try to detach myself from them by practicing "real" and instinctive pictures.

Some pictures represent intimate moments of the people represented, caught in their vulerability, they are naked but comfortable with camera.

James Hart
James Hart

Photography has become an extension of what my ears see.  All images I present are a direct result of the same voyeuristic tendencies I approach music with, unapologetic honesty.

Bianca Planas
Bianca Planas

I chose this picture to represent well being. Often times, we tend to take advantage of what we have until a big adversity comes in. Amidst of life’s adversity, the pleasure of knowing that life is not promised makes you do things without fear—which is my mantra. Just like what James Parton said, "the highest pleasure is only consciousness of freedom from the deepest pain." 

Alexandra Wright
Alexandra Wright

I found this photo of my parents freshly married on their honeymoon right before I went on my own honeymoon. I can really feel their love for each other at that time and it brings me pleasure to see that. 

Agustina Fioretti
Agustina Fioretti

Between reality and fiction I am somewhere in the middle. 

This is an archeology of nomadism, the history of successive migrations distributed, today as then, between different geographies. I found in color and gestures a way of telling a story that is sometimes mine and sometimes belong to someone else. The mirror takes center stage in my images, but only to fade into a sort of temporal and spatial confusion.

Gabby Ray
Gabby Ray

I originally took this set of photos for my friend to use for her work as she transitioned from a sub to a switch.  We spend most of the shoot taking lots of very stoic portraits of her trying to look the part of the new Dom on the scene. When we were done with what she wanted to shoot, she seemed immediately much more comfortable with herself and I had about 10 photos left on my point & shoot, so I asked her if she would get on the rocking horse just for fun, to finish the roll. Now when I look at these last photos, I am reminded of how silly we got and how much of a delight it was.  These are some of my all time favorite photos.

Eleni Reynera
Eleni Reynera

I’m kind of a mess right now so pleasure to me is uncomplicated - the thrill of comfort, a good time without forcing it, having peace of mind, the buzz off of knowing you’re actually doing okay for yourself. The photos are part of a 5-year diary in which this satisfaction is seen and/or experienced.

Gabriela Hnizdo
Gabriela Hnizdo

Using media from analogue still photography to cinematography and painting she translates the energy of places and people into colorful lucid spaces. 

Hollyanne Faber
Hollyanne Faber

I notice that I derive a bit of pleasure from painful moments. Wether it be listening to moody music when I'm sad or getting tattoos, I tend to enjoy wallowing in my sadness and pain. The images I submitted reminded me of that complex feeling when you know you want to feel better but you can't really help yourself from staying in that melancholic vibe. 

Antonyo Brown
Antonyo Brown

Rollerblading is probably one of my favorite outlets to just go be free. The feeling of skating just brings energy and adventure. I’m always working on improving and becoming a better me through consistency and hard work. I get excitement from skating with my friends, just journeying all over to find new spots, meeting new people, evolving. That’s what gives me pleasure.

Jessica Luna
Jessica Luna


Justine Marie
Justine Marie

I tend to prefer the interaction and connection between subjects and I versus inanimate objects or places, I adore feeling close to a subject and bringing their internal light to the surface. Working with subjects gives me the emotional connection I crave.

Kamelia Del Rio
Kamelia Del Rio

I am someone who always feels deeply, someone who is passionate with not only my art but with the ones who hold my heart. My art represents how I feel every emotion and feeling; the feeling of constantly being overwhelmed. 
